Nonstandard property and renovations insurance

Choose Zen Private Clients for your nonstandard property and renovations insurance needs

Why do you need private insurance to safeguard your nonstandard materials and builds?

Driving around the U.K., it is easy to be inspired by the many exterior home designs. You see everything from modern build bricks to treasured, thatched Grade 1 homes from the 14th century. It is fantastic but these unique homes come with their own special insurance requirements and needs.

These homes fall into non-standard construction types and materials covered by our bespoke, home insurance policies.

What properties and materials need nonstandard construction insurance cover?

Thatched properties

What materials need special home insurance cover?

Cob-cob home material
Cob-cob is a building material consisting of clay, sand, straw, water, and earth. It is often seen in older style properties, such as thatched buildings.

Wattle and daub home material
Wattle & Daub is a type of wall construction consisting of interwoven twigs plastered with a mixture of clay, lime, water, and sometimes dung and chopped straw. It is fairly common material used in old-listed buildings. 

Lath and plaster home material
Lath and plaster is frequently used in listed buildings. 

Lath and plaster consists of thin, narrow strips of wood nailed to rafters, joists, or studding as groundwork for slates, tiles, or plaster.

Pan-tile roofing
Pan-tile roofing is a type of tile with an S-shaped profile. It is placed on the roof in a down curve. One tile overlaps the up curve of the next one. It is not considered to be non-standard but very popular for covering listed buildings.

Lime plaster
Lime plaster is a type of plaster composed of hydrated lime, sand and water.
How did wattle and daub come about?
Builders were known to mix in any material that was “local” to the construction site.

Renovations insurance

If you decide to renovate, extend your home or purchase a property in need of renovation then it can be a complicated scenario, especially if the property is listed where there are serious implications in relation to the insurance of the existing property.  

What impact might this have on your existing buildings and contents' insurance? 

Home insurers ask that you notify them of any works planned at the home and may, depending on the works and the costs, reduce cover to a very basic set of circumstances or cancel cover entirely. Generally, the contractor’s insurance only includes the works. This leaves your home and its contents uninsured, unprotected, and at-risk.

For larger works, there are insurance explanations within the contract put in place with your builder. It clarifies who is responsible for insuring the existing structure and/or the works during the duration of the works.

These can be misunderstood and overlooked.

Renovation and extension insurance covers you for the unpredictable things that can go wrong during the duration of building works. Therefore, it is imperative to speak to a specialist who understands the consequences. A specialist has the industry knowledge and experience to verify if you have the right cover.

If you decide to extend or refurbish your home, Zen Private Clients provides the right insurance for you. Having the precise cover on your side relieves the stress brought on by building, electrical and plumbing projects.

Find out for yourself how our personalised service delivers a high level of understanding of what your home insurance needs are and how we meet those needs with our signature, comprehensive, and proactive approach.
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