Retail / Shop

So what type of insurance cover do you need?

Not all retailers or shops
are the same,
so why should your
insurance be?

Whether your run an online business or a high street shop, you need customised retail insurance to prevent disruption of business from happening, especially if a sudden claim occurs. Without protection, you could be hit with a devastating claim wiping out your business and forcing you to close your business doors for good. 

The peace of mind the right cover gives, allows you to dedicate your time on strategising, growing, and managing your profitable business versus worrying about cover.

How can Zen Private Clients help you with
retail insurance cover?

If a claim or damage is made against your business, we understand how crucial it is for you to get back to work as quickly as possible. It is why we start working on your behalf, even before a claim is made. We start by listening to what your business needs are. We then provide you with bespoke cover matching your needs. 

Then, if a sudden claim occurs, we utilise our effective techniques and practices on your behalf during the unexpected claim. We do so in a timely manner. Mix these positive actions with our vast knowledge of the ever-changing landscape of insurance cover, and we improve your life as a business owner and retailer.

So what type of
retail insurance cover
do you need?

There are many options to choose from. A one size fits all approach may leave you exposed or uninsured. There is a lot to consider when buying your insurance. By understanding your business, you can be safe in the wisdom you have the right cover.

A Selection of covers include:
Stock & other contents
Public/ Products & Employers Liability
Business Equipment
Business Interruption or increased cost of working
Legal Expense
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