High value motor insurance – don’t get taken for a ride

Jerry Edwards • Aug 04, 2020

Prestige, high performance and classic cars are every petrol-head’s dream...

....but the vision doesn’t quite extend to getting those beautiful vehicles insured – and rightly so, it’s hardly a glamorous thought. But in waking hours finding the right policy to cover your high value vehicles is a very real consideration. 

In short, if you drive an exceptional car, (or own an exceptional fleet), you need exceptional motor insurance. Because when you’ve invested in driving something extraordinary, your vehicle is very much worth protecting.

Our motoring policies are designed around you – they’re entirely bespoke. Which means they’re not only tailored to your exact requirements, lifestyle and situation, but they come with benefits that standard car insurance simply cannot provide.

Have a preferred repairer for your pride and joy?

Not a problem. Want to make sure your courtesy car lives up to your expectations? We can do that. Need to take the car abroad as often as you’d like? Bon voyage. Want your personalised plate to be covered too? You can count on us. 

These are just a few from an extensive list, but give you an idea of the level of service you can expect from one of our high value motor insurance policies.

To take the legwork out of insuring and managing every vehicle on the driveway – whether they get brought out at weekends or belong to other family members – we can provide a single policy for all your cars with one insurer. If applicable we can also make sure this is with the same insurer as your home policy, which will mean they will be both be subject to a single annual review.


By their very nature, high value cars are generally made of parts with extremely high specifications. This means more power, but also a higher risk. It also means that even the most minor of scrapes can be extremely costly. Due to the high values involved, it can be difficult, very expensive (or both) to insure a high-value vehicle.

But this is where we can help. 

Whatever the nature of your requirements, whether you are looking to insure a single vehicle, a car collection or a family fleet of vehicles, we will ascertain your circumstances and build up an individual risk profile. We have the experience and expertise to arrange a bespoke policy tailored to your specific requirements.

Our innate knowledge of the motoring industry has given us the ability to negotiate a bespoke package on your behalf with some of the world’s leading specialist insurers of affluent individuals. Furthermore, we are approachable, friendly, knowledgeable and professional. We pride ourselves on our high levels of customer service.

As specialists in high value vehicles we understand and share the passion of the enthusiast. We understand that if you have chosen to drive something a little more special you need the insurance to match. 

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